We are very pleased and would like to thank you very much for the award as “TOP IMMO EXPERTS 2022”

We were named one of the top IMMO experts 2022 in Austria by the IMWF Institute for Management and Economic Research GmbH.

We are very pleased that our daily hard work and great commitment, as well as our honesty and trustworthiness, are valued and recognized!

As a Tirol Real Estate team, we were able to convince in the following criteria:


The core point of collecting the data is the awareness and public performance of real estate agents, real estate developers and property managers on social media, in blogs, in forums, on news sites and on many other websites in Austria. Special programs such as “Webcrawler” automatically visit all pages and save all the necessary contributions, which are loaded into a huge database and adjusted in structure.

  • The following 3.2 million pieces of data were collected and evaluated:
  • Statements about the companies in journalistic media, blogs and social media in 2021, a total of 38,256 statements
  • Ratings of the companies on rating platforms, a total of 17,185 points and stars
  • Fans and followers of the company on social media, a total of 423,148 on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Views of company content, totaling 2.7 million views


The statements were evaluated using the most modern methods of text analysis based on artificial intelligence (AI), which “understand” texts by analyzing and comparing syntax and semantics.

The following six points shape the company's image and were evaluated according to the study:

  • their performance as an employer and in sustainability,
  • the economic performance o the actions of management
  • Products
  • Services
  • as well as emotional attraction

Statements, ratings, fans and views were each standardized based on the strongest company in the industry and up to 10 points were awarded per category. Companies with the highest score in this index (Top25 or Top 50) are awarded.


All companies that received the award achieved at least 60% of the points of the industry winner. The “TOP REAL ESTATE EXPERTS” are those real estate companies that have the highest reputation based on published opinions.


The public appearance of real estate companies is always professional. But it is not always clear what their reputation actually looks like. Since the public presentation of real estate companies is always professional, but the image cannot be read from this, the “TOP IMMO EXPERTS” study examines how customers perceive and evaluate the respective companies. The study is carried out by Milestones in Communication and IMWF Institute for Management and Economic Research and KURIER acts as the media partner of the seal of quality. Around 205 Austrian companies from the real estate developers, building contractors and real estate agents sectors were evaluated for the study using the most modern methods of text analysis. A total of at least 17,000 reviews from thousands of public online sources, as well as social media, news, blogs or forums, were used and carefully analyzed how the respective companies are written and discussed on the Internet.



Top-Immo-Experten 2022 – IMWF Austria

Top-Immo-Experten 2021: Imageanalyse Immobilienbranche – IMWF Austria